Jews for Social Action
Jews for Social Action
Jews for Social Action (JSA) offers the opportunity to embody the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) by helping others and getting involved in social action. We take a hands-on approach to working towards social justice.
You are invited to join us in our projects, which are outlined below.
We meet once each month currently on Zoom. Please contact for more details.
Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility
Jews for Social Action at North Shore Temple Emanuel, along with a number of other deeply concerned organisations, has written to several members of the NSW parliament in relation to the minimum age of criminal responsibility in NSW. Right now children as young as ten years old can be incarcerated. This is contrary to the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child, and it goes against the expert advice of organisations such as the Australian Medical Association, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the NSW Bar Association, the Law Council of Australia and our own Human Rights Commission.
This is the letter we sent: RAISE THE AGE OPEN LETTER
"I Speak My Mind" for Social Justice Archive
JSA runs a series of talks at NSTE where prominent people speak on social justice issues. Past speakers have included Julian Burnside, Bill Crews, Kerryn Phelps, Frank Brennan, Cate Faehrmann, and Lisa Jackson-Pulver. Themes have included racism, depression, Aboriginal disadvantage, population growth and refugees. The series includes an annual “The Aboriginal Experience”, which is part of the Guringai Festival. An archive of past events are available to watch just below. We hope you enjoy.
Kids in the Outback Project is Back! Knitters Wanted!
Knitting and Crochet Patterns:
- Kids in the Outback Child's Beanie Pattern - Click HERE
- Kids in the Outback Dolls Knitting Pattern - Click HERE
Aboriginal Support Group
JSA's Aboriginal Support Group runs several projects centred on education and literacy. Learn about the Early Support Aboriginal Literacy Project, the Biala Hostel Homework Program, the Remote Outback Reading Project, and the Aboriginal Experience here.
Asylum Seeker Support
We honour the Jewish value of welcoming strangers by supporting the Asylum Seekers Centre, Settlement Services International, and Music for Refugees. Learn about these projects here.
Read a recent Thank You letter received from the Asylum Seekers Centre
Scotts Creek Creekcare
Scotts Creek Creekcare is the environmental group of NSTE, and is part of the Willoughby Council Bushcare volunteer program. We meet once a month on a Sunday morning working along the banks of Scotts Creek, which flows past NSTE into Middle Harbour. Find out more here.
Kiva Micro-Credit Lending Team
JSA supports Kiva, a micro-credit initiative, that helps to put lenders in touch with people in the developing world who can benefit from small loans. JSA formed a Kiva ‘lending team’ as a way of connecting with other people who are interested in doing something to fight poverty. Our team currently has over 30 members and has made over 850 loans, totaling around $30,000. Join the JSA lending team via the Kiva website.
Livracha - An NSTE Initiative
Facilitated by JSA, NSTE has a social action initiative called Livracha (pronounced Leev-ra-KHAH) - meaning “for a blessing”. In conjunction with, and inspired by, each of the Jewish festivals we celebrate throughout the year, we collect items at NSTE for people in need. If you have an idea for a collection in association with a certain festival, please let us know, so we can try to work it into the Livracha cycle.
Please think of our Livracha collections when you come to shul for services, committee meetings, Hebrew School, b’nei mitzvah lessons, Israeli dancing, or other reasons.
At Pesach, we collected items for the Salvation Army’s Oasis Youth Support Network to provide to young people experiencing homelessness and at Shavuot we collect cereals and canned and dried fruit for women’s refuges in our area. Over the High Holy Days we collect non perishable food items for Mazon to provide to those experiencing hunger.
We welcome donations of non-perishable food items or toiletries in the basket in the foyer at any time for providing to those in need.
Read more about the program here
Mon, 31 March 2025
2 Nisan 5785
Tikkun Olam
Contact Us
North Shore Temple Emanuel
28 Chatswood Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067
ABN 69 000 326 456
Phone: (02) 9419 7011
View phone & office hours here
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our synagogue stands, the land of the Gamaragal people. Many of us and our forebears have come from other lands and found our spirit of kinship with Indigenous Australians whose connection with this land preceded ours, and we recognise that connection as sacred and enduring. May we walk together toward a future of justice and healing.
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