B'nei Mitzvah Program
B'Mitzvah Program
An unforgettable experience - a lifetime of connection
There are few things as joyful and soul satisfying for a parent as watching a child take hold of the Torah and carry it through the congregation on the day of b'mitzvah. It is a sublime moment. But it does not happen miraculously!
At NSTE, we believe the preparation for that moment is key to its magic. It is also the key to a lifetime of engagement with Jewish community, as it affords our children the skills they need to participate meaningfully in Jewish life cycle events of their own and of their loved ones, and starts them on a path of lifelong Jewish learning and lifelong Jewish living.
It is essential that students begin preparation for b'mitzvah as early as possible, which is to say that our students should be fairly comfortable reading Hebrew words before they begin their work with a b'mitzvah tutor. Their work with the tutor begins one year prior to the b'mitzvah celebration.
To ensure that our b'mitzvah students are ready to start working with their tutors, we encourage enrolment in our Meah Hebrew and Religion School K-6 program on Sundays (with optional supplemental Wednesday class in Years 5 and 6).
In Year 7, students stop attending Sunday and Wednesday classes, join in a weekly class with the Rabbi called “Al Shlosha Dvarim—On 3 Things,” and begin meeting with a b'mitzvah tutor weekly. We will match your child with one of our tutors, all of whom approach their work with immeasurable devotion, patience, and care.
During the year leading up to b'mitzvah, students are to strive to attend Shabbat morning services regularly, along with a parent, so as to develop a comfort level with the order and flow of a service, and to become more familiar with the blessings they are learning with their tutors. This practice goes a long way toward alleviating nervousness on the “big day,” and helps solidify their learning so it lasts a lifetime.
The class aims to build lifelong Jewish friendships, which continue through post-b’mitzvah opportunities like our “Teen Torah Tag Team” and participation in Yamim Noraim (High Holy Day) services.
To learn more about the following offerings, click on the links below:
- Meah Hebrew and Religion School
- Year 7 “Al Shlosha Dvarim—On 3 Things” class with the Rabbi
- Becoming a member of the synagogue (a requirement for celebrating b'mitzvah at NSTE)
- Zoom tutoring and coaching for distance students
- B’mitzvah for students with special needs
- Becoming an NSTE b’mitzvah tutor
- Adult b'nei mitzvah
For more information about any aspect of our b’mitzvah program, please contact the Office on 9419 7011.
Sat, 22 February 2025
24 Sh'vat 5785
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: 10:00am |
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North Shore Temple Emanuel
28 Chatswood Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067
ABN 69 000 326 456
Phone: (02) 9419 7011
Email: info@nste.org.au
View phone & office hours here
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our synagogue stands, the land of the Gamaragal people. Many of us and our forebears have come from other lands and found our spirit of kinship with Indigenous Australians whose connection with this land preceded ours, and we recognise that connection as sacred and enduring. May we walk together toward a future of justice and healing.
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