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North Shore Temple Emanuel

a Progressive Jewish Congregation

Adult B'nei Mitzvah

Interested in an Adult Bar or Bat Mitzvah Ceremony at NSTE?

We’d love to offer you the opportunity!

There are many reasons to consider celebrating Bar or Bat Mitzvah in your adult years. Maybe you weren’t Jewish when you were 13. Maybe your family didn’t belong to a shul that offered you the opportunity. Maybe you are approaching the traditional age for celebrating a second Bar Mitzvah. Maybe you simply relish the thought of engaging in a program of study, towards a meaningful Jewish ritual, celebrated in community.

If you’d like to explore the possibilities, please reach out to Rabbi Nicole at info@nste.org.au.

"I chose to celebrate my 50th birthday by doing an adult Bat Mitzvah, and to use the occasion to start wearing a tallit, which I’d never done before. The preparation and the experience on the day were deeply meaningful to me - I couldn’t have imagined a better way to mark that milestone birthday."

- Judy Campbell 

"I chose my 52nd birthday (which is 13 x 4!) to become Bat Mitzvah. As a choir member, I had observed many young people become B’Mitzvah and marvelled at their ability to read from the Torah and understand the order of the service. My own son was studying for his Bar Mitzvah in the same year, and he was able to help me!

So during my first trip to Israel to visit my daughter who was spending a year there with Netzer on Shnat, I bought myself a tallit and returned to study at NSTE for my Bat Mitzvah. It was transformational for me. I learnt so much, feel so much more comfortable with the order of the service, can read from the Torah (with a lot of practice!!) and now I wear my tallit with pride and lots of wonderful memories. The drash I gave was totally from the heart and enabled me to express feelings that were very deep inside me. I can recommend this process to anyone who wants to challenge themselves, deepen their Jewish connection and achieve something very significant in their life."

- Michele Shadler

Mon, 31 March 2025 2 Nisan 5785