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North Shore Temple Emanuel

a Progressive Jewish Congregation

Inspiring Worship

Shabbat and Festival services are how we connect with each other, K'lal Yisrael (the Jewish people), and God, so come join us.

 We strive to create inspiring worship experiences by:

  • Fostering a welcoming and engaging environment that encourages participation by all
  • Crafting meaningful and relevant interpretations of Torah
  • Weaving music into our services
  • Respecting that we're all at different stages of our Jewish journey
  • Developing capable lay leaders who can assist our professional leaders 


When are services?

Friday night services begin at 6:30pm and last about an hour.

Shabbat morning services begin at 10am and usually conclude between 11:30am and noon.

All services are followed by a lovely kiddush (refreshments).  

What are Shabbat services like?

As a Progressive Synagogue, our services blend creativity and tradition, age old rituals, and innovative ideas. Expect a mix of Hebrew and English (our prayer books have transliteration for non-Hebrew speakers).  We are an egalitarian congregation that loves traditional and contemporary melodies, so men and women sit and sing together.  Tallitot (prayer shawls), siddurim (prayer books), chumashim (Hebrew Bibles), and kippot (head coverings) are all available in the synagogue’s foyer.

Are all Shabbat services the same?

While the structure of our services is consistent, we have many "special" Shabbatot, including:

  • Shabbat dinners - Offered every six to eight weeks. These fill up quickly, so be sure to book early if you are staying for the dinner.
  • Teen Torah Tag Team - On these mornings, our post b'nei mitzvah teens lein Torah during the Shabbat morning service.
  • Shabbat Groove - A super musical, super groovy Friday evening service.
  • Special guest speakers - We regularly welcome speakers on a variety of themes and topics throughout the year.  We have hosted speakers on the topic of healthy relationships, disability inclusion, the Progressive movement in Israel, Holocaust remembrance, and more.  Our guest speakers have included members of our own shul, as well as representatives of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, Centenary of ANZAC Jewish Program, United Israel Appeal, the Israel Study Tour, and government dignitaries.

What should I wear?
NSTE is an informal place. Your presence is more important than your outfit. For Shabbat services, most dress in business casual attire. Members tend to dress a bit more formally when they have been invited for an honour on the bimah (pulpit)or are attending High Holy Day services.  

Is there parking?
Yes!  Parking is easy and on site at NSTE.  However, on special occasions, our carpark fills up rather quickly, so arrive early.  There is always street parking in the neighbourhood. If your mobility is limited, please call the office by Friday morning and we'll reserve a spot for you.

Covid Safety

  • Attendees of all ages are strongly encouraged to keep their Covid- 19 vaccination status up to date.   Click here for information on Covid-19 vaccination and boosters in NSW.

  • Masks are strongly encouraged.

Please do not attend NSTE if you feel unwell or are displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms as identified by NSW Health or if you are required to self-isolate or quarantine.


Memorial Scrolls Trust

We are honoured to be in possession of  Sefer Torah scroll 556, which is one of the 1564 Czech Memorial scrolls which formed part of the treasures that survived the Shoah, having been collected in the Jewish Museum in Prague.

Czech Torah Memorial Scrolls Trust (MST) #556 was previously thought to be from Domazlice, one of 118 towns where Judaica was collected before being shipped to the Jewish Museum in Prague.  However, research has identified that this and ten other scrolls came from Staňkov following the merger of the two communities in 1930 and 1931. 

Although Staňkov had a cemetery, there was no synagogue in the town.  Records show the scroll had been kept in a crate in house no.153, so it is highly possible the scroll had come from another village at an earlier date.

The scroll is on permanent loan from the Memorial Scrolls Trust in London.

To find out more, visit www.memorialscrollstrust.org


Mon, 31 March 2025 2 Nisan 5785