Community Wellbeing Program
Community Wellbeing Program
Community Wellbeing is an umbrella term for a comprehensive approach to caring for our community. It encompasses NSTE’s efforts to keep in touch with our community and friends more regularly, as well as provide pastoral and practical support whenever help is needed. It is proactive and responsive, and is already transforming our community; bringing us closer together, and relieving stress amongst those facing health and family crises.
Community Wellbeing is what makes NSTE a “second family” to so many in our community.
Central to the workings of Community Wellbeing is our outstanding Care Team of volunteers who assist the Rabbis in providing outreach and support. Through the combined efforts of the Care Team, Rabbis, and staff, NSTE regularly stays in contact with a growing number of people in our community who are ill, injured, recently bereaved, vulnerable, or otherwise in need of pastoral and practical support.
The Care Team volunteers assist with the following:
- Phone calls
- Hospital or nursing home visits
- Meals, deliveries, and transportation
- Reaching out on birthdays, anniversaries and yahrzeit
- Following up after a death, birth, or bris
An initial orientation meeting is held to provide Care Team volunteers with the necessary information and guidelines to get started.
We are always welcoming new Care Team volunteers, so please contact Rabbi Nicole if you would like to participate in this sacred work.
Mon, 31 March 2025
2 Nisan 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Vayikra
Shabbat, Apr 5 |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
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North Shore Temple Emanuel
28 Chatswood Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067
ABN 69 000 326 456
Phone: (02) 9419 7011
View phone & office hours here
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our synagogue stands, the land of the Gamaragal people. Many of us and our forebears have come from other lands and found our spirit of kinship with Indigenous Australians whose connection with this land preceded ours, and we recognise that connection as sacred and enduring. May we walk together toward a future of justice and healing.
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