What people have to say about NSTE
What people have to say about NSTE
"I walked away from Temple with tears in my eyes. It was once again, a strong feeling of BELONGING, of being amongst such caring, kind people… [T]he children who were there did look happy, interested, not at all wriggling in their seats...
The word-game, that Rabbi Nicole had invented was charming…
I walked away, so grateful, to BELONG… There was water via our President, when I did what I always try to avoid: began to cough.
When my memories took hold of me, I had a soft hand, that of Tereza’s, holding mine… as if she knew, that I pined for my sister… who so very long ago, when I was 14, she 12, danced around our Shul with me, singing on this same day…
I would like to thank you all, from my heart, for giving me such friendship, such a feeling of being with FAMILY…
To all of you dear FRIENDS, an enormous THANK YOU!"
- NSTE Member, Eva Grinston, in response to the Simchat Torah 2017 service
"We wish to thank you for the magnificent collection of meals and other sumptuous dishes with which David (Roberts) surprised us this morning. This will make us think of our benevolent Shul every time we open, unfreeze, defrost, re-heat and savour each meal prepared with love and care by your volunteers. Thank you and wishing you Shabbat Shalom."
- NSTE Member, October 2017
"Right from the beginning, when Uri suggested that I come with them to the Shabbat dinner, I liked it a lot. Since I had become single, what I missed the most was being with my family on Friday night. If there wasn't a Shabbat dinner, I looked forward to the lesson of the week's Parasha, which filled me with knowledge and brought me back to my youth when I was at school studying the Torah - which I love.
In one of the meetings, I met up with Sandy who I knew from COA. Then I met her at the Shule and enjoyed her welcoming personality and found out she could sing! (I look forward to coming to bar and bat mizvahs. The service is so beautiful and the choir sings so nicely and the women are equal to the men.)
I met Sandy's mother as I was going for an operation, and she assured me that I'll get help with my washing. This was from a lady who didn't know me! She turned up to visit me with a small plant - an orchid that I love and will never separate from it. It is giving me a second year of flowering, and each time I water it I think of the family I found.
I happened to know Yanai and Jenny from years ago, and they welcomed me and helped me to feel at home. Rabbi Nicole also acknowledged me every time I came along and greeted me. David would also hug me every time we met.
I like to hear Rabbi Nicole’s Drasha. I've been called to the Bima to say a prayer for Israel, which I love, have been asked to say the prayer for the candles, as well as open the Aron Hakodesh. I love it all.
I see Naomi and all three of her generations treated so beautifully when they come. They all get involved in the service - I love it all.
I love how David plays Israeli songs for me; seeing how much I enjoy them.
Your Haskafah group is wonderful.
I was helped to come to the beautiful beach in Simchat Torah, and someone found someone to take me to Limmud Oz, which I look forward to every year.
Thank you to Vera, who organised the walk from Mosman Wharf and showed a lot of care towards me. And someone drove me back home! Completely not expected!
I HAVE REALLY FOUND A FAMILY in a Shule that I live so close to. From a girl who was going to Shule every festival, I'm now going to the temple every occasion!
So, thank you all."
Meira Marks - NSTE Member, July 2017
"Please excuse my extreme tardiness in thanking you and your congregation for allowing us to attend your Shabbat service earlier this month. Everyone was so warm and welcoming that we felt at home at once. Please extend a special thank you to Rabbi Fred and Sue for the joyful service and the beautiful music. And for walking with us to the train station. We enjoyed talking with them.
If anyone from your synagogue ever comes to the Philadelphia area, we would love to reciprocate your generosity. Please give them my email address and I will see what I can do.
Thanks again for making things work."
Overseas Visitor from the U.S. - April 2017
"No sooner did we enter the Synagogue, I saw all the lovely faces of those people I have come to know. I saw all the people who work so hard to make the Temple Home to all age groups, who are at all times trying to add new programs to the menu of Temple life.
I heard the superb music from the Temple choir, their voices so superb, so giving. I saw the sweet faces of children, softly skipping from place to place, the many young adults proudly wearing their tallits, the Rabbis so menschlich and loving. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this experience!"
NSTE member for 20+ years - feedback on High Holy Day Services in 2016
"A gift for self and the rest of the family, an opportunity to meet different people, an opportunity to feed the spirit and learn new things about Judaism that you didn't know before."
NSTE Annual Mums' Retreat participant---
“It's an amazing feeling watching the tots' faces light up with a big bright beautiful smile, as they are full of joy and excitement! It brings such warmth to my heart, a truly indescribable feeling. Leaving a child with a smile on his or her face is priceless.”
Teen volunteer at Young Family event---
"We enjoy the services and the opportunity to say Kaddish, and get great pleasure from the Choir."
NSTE member for 15 years---
“You can’t imagine the enormous amount of satisfaction that you can get out from giving back to the community.”
Member of Jews for Social Action group---
“The evening was accompanied by much laughter and happiness and the ruach was something a restaurant could simply not replicate.”
NSTE Shabbat Dinner participant---
"NSTE is a gift for self and family, an opportunity to meet different people, feed the spirit, and learn new things about Judaism."
NSTE member for 12 years---
"I'm so proud to be a member of NSTE!"
NSTE member for 10 years---
"This morning was one of the happiest days I have enjoyed for many years. I became a member of the Temple when Philip and Lorraine (Taylor) did at the very beginning. Because I live in the Blue Mountains, I have only ever been able to attend services on the High Holy days, when of course the Shule is packed.
This morning was my first experience of a regular Shabbat Service. What a difference! Today was like coming home to a warm family gathering. There was a beautiful feeling of being part of that family. Without exception, everyone who spoke to me was warm and welcoming and I was so happy to be accepted as part of the group.
Sadly, I cannot see it happening again because of the geography, but I can assure you the wonderful experience will stay with me as long as I live. Please convey my warmest thanks to the congregation and especially dear Rabbi Nicole who made me feel really wanted."
Long-time member following her 100th birthday celebration on 18 February 2017
“I am very impressed with the social welfare programs that the Temple Emanuel has set up – caring and being there to support those in need, not only in their own community but also in the wider community and continuing to liaise with Willoughby Council on broader community initiatives”.
Councillor Judith Rutherford, Willoughby Council
"I just wanted to send you this email to thank you so much for your warmth and helpfulness. I felt very welcomed by the community and am so grateful for the opportunity to have been given insight into the great things you do. I received my assignment back the other day and received high marks, and I feel I owe this partly to you and your synagogue for allowing me to visit. So again, thank you very much and please extend my thanks to your President Mark Ginsburg and the community. "
Sofia Carniel, visiting student from the University of Sydney
Mon, 31 March 2025
2 Nisan 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Vayikra
Shabbat, Apr 5 |
Erev Passover
Shabbat, Apr 12 |
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North Shore Temple Emanuel
28 Chatswood Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067
ABN 69 000 326 456
Phone: (02) 9419 7011
Email: info@nste.org.au
View phone & office hours here
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our synagogue stands, the land of the Gamaragal people. Many of us and our forebears have come from other lands and found our spirit of kinship with Indigenous Australians whose connection with this land preceded ours, and we recognise that connection as sacred and enduring. May we walk together toward a future of justice and healing.
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