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North Shore Temple Emanuel

a Progressive Jewish Congregation

Our Clergy

Aseh l’cha rav, u’kneh l’cha chaver,
ve’hevei dan et kol ha’adam l’chaf z’chut

Make for yourself a mentor, acquire for yourself a friend,
and judge every person as meritorious (Pirke Avot 1:6)


The Mishnah describes the “rav” (Rabbi) as a trusted spiritual mentor, who is approachable like a friend, and inspires us to see the good in every person. Our clergy team strives to fulfil this ideal through:

  • Visionary community leadership
  • Stimulating Jewish learning and discussion
  • Skilled pastoral care and sensitive guidance
  • Meaningful and moving life cycle ceremonies
  • Inspiring worship services and relatable sermons
  • Partnership and engagement with the wider community    
  • Welcoming outreach and a “meet people where they are” approach
  • Working toward tikkun olam (repair of the world) and shalom (peace)

Our congregation is very grateful to have two Rabbis on board  - Rabbi Nicole Roberts and  Rabbi Moshe Givental in addition to Emeritus Rabbi Richard Lampert.

Click the links below to find out more about each of our spiritual leaders:

Rabbi Nicole Roberts (Senior Rabbi) 

Rabbi Moshe Givental

Rabbi Richard Lampert (Emeritus)


Mon, 31 March 2025 2 Nisan 5785