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North Shore Temple Emanuel

a Progressive Jewish Congregation

Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World)

As a Progressive synagogue,  NSTE strives to fulfill our duty to repair the world with words and actions.

Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

NSTE embraces the values of:

  • Pursuing justice  (tzedek tzedek tirdof): as Jews, demonstrating our social responsibility within and beyond our own community. In particular, we aspire to alleviate poverty, hunger, homelessness, and domestic violence.
  • Always standing for values of human equality and respect, standing against prejudice, discrimination, racism, and sexism within and outside the Jewish community. We stand for LGBTQI equality and welcome LGBTQI individuals as important members of our community.
  • Supporting the work of the Israel Religious Action Centre, advancing pluralism in Israeli society.
  • Working as partners with Indigenous Australians and their communities towards full reconciliation and equal access to education.
  • Supporting and improving the lives of asylum seekers and refugees, remembering that Jews have so often and for so long been strangers in a strange land.
  • Promoting communal tolerance through interfaith activities.
  • Working to make whole the world (l'takein olam b'malchut shaddai):  Identifying and engaging in projects that improve and protect the environment. Creating and maintaining a synagogue that teaches and demonstrates care for the earth.
  • Assisting people with a disability to fully contribute to our community.

For more information, please contact the Office on 9419 7011.

Thu, 13 March 2025 13 Adar 5785